This gives a breakdown on understanding the relationship between contacts to Email Campaigns and SMS.
Contacts in relation to Email
All contacts that has been validated by Sendmunk through the 'Unverified Phone Numbers' page can be sent Email campaigns. Therefore, the amount of contact present in your contacts will be equal to the amount present in your Email campaign page.
The relationship between the Email Campaign page and Contact Page;
Email campaign page:
Contact page:
Unverified Phone Numbers:
Contacts in relation to SMS
When trying to send sms to your contacts, kindly note that only verified numbers ie numbers that has given consent will be allowed to send SMS to.
Consent for SMS is gathered independently.
To send an SMS message to a contact, you must first obtain their consent to do so. You can obtain SMS consent from your contacts by sending a trigger opt-in to each contact.
When a contact's consent is given, their phone number appears under "No of Contacts" in the SMS/MMS page.
Here are the steps to get consent from a contact:
1. Click on your contacts button from your side menu bar, then click "Unverified Phone Numbers".
2. The Unverified Phone Number page shows the details of all contacts added in your account.
- It shows the revenue generated by each phone number.
- Subscription date ie the day the phone number was added.
- Phone Validation Status: it validates all contact added in your sendmunk account and spools out any contact with an invalid number.
3. The trigger opt-in icon is used to send a trigger message to your contacts in sendmunk to get consent to send SMS and Email campaigns.
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