SMS Compliance Laws


When getting started with SMS marketing its important to respect our customers privacy and adhere to compliance regulations with TCPA for Shopify for customers to have a great experience receiving and sending text messages. 

What is TCPA ? 

TCPA stands for the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. The telemarketing law dates back to 1991 and covers the use of automated telephone communications, including phone calls, voicemails, fax machines, and text messages. Text messages are considered transactions similar to phone calls, which is why they are covered under the TCPA. Under TCPA, sending spam text messages is illegal and can result in fines.

What is CTIA ?

CTIA is the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association. The CTIA is a trade organization run by wireless companies such as AT&T, Verizon, and many more. It is not a law or government-run organization like the FCC, and has no legal authority. You cannot be sued for not following CTIA guidelines; however, there can be other ramifications for not following their rules. If found to be in violation of these rules, the CTIA will report you to the mobile carriers, who may shut down or suspend your access to their customers until you resolve the issue.

Want to be compliant with the SMS marketing rules, Here's how ?

In order to be in complaint with the SMS marketing rules with shopify, it's important to understand that you cannot text anybody without their express permission to receive text messages from you. So, if you have their phone number because they were required to submit it at checkout, but do not have their explicit consent to receive messages from you, then you should NOT send them text messages.

Here are steps you can follow to ensure you are always collecting phone numbers and communicating via SMS in a compliant manner.

1.  In shopify settings go to checkout checkout.

2. Scroll down to Email Marketing and make sure show an option to subscribe at checkout is enabled and the preselect option is disabled.

Click SAVE.

Configuring Your Marketing Opt-in Messaging

Once you've added the marketing opt-in checkbox to your store's account, next you want to configure what your marketing opt-in message will say to your customers. 

1. In your Shopify settings go to Checkout.

2. Scroll down to the checkout language, then click on "manage checkout language"

3. Search for Checkout Marketing, then input something attractive for them to opt-in.

For example, Email/ Text me with news and offers.

4. Search for Phone label and Optional label, then add an attractive  message for customers to leave their phone number.

5. Once its all filled, ensure to click SAVE.

How to Enable fields for Customers to leave their phone numbers

To be able to enable phone fields in your checkout area, use this steps:

1. In your shopify settings click checkout.

2. Scroll down to the form options section, and change the shipping address phone number to either optional or required.

3. Click SAVE.