We migrate you from any ESP to Sendmunk for FREE on any of our paid plans.

Our Process

  1. Fill in the form below letting us know the ESP you're moving from, the items you want help with and we'll get back to you in a few hours. We securely get your login details for the ESP you want to move away from.
  2. We swap out embedded sign up forms if you want them moved.
  3. Move all contacts including current bounces and unsubscribes, tags and segments.
  4. Migrate current autoresponders and automations (we can't move contacts in the middle of an automation)
  5. Migrate saved email templates

Fill in this form to get your migration started - https://support722834.typeform.com/to/Qv36e3FO

How much will this cost?

Its FREE! Sign up for one of our paid plans and let us know by filling in the form above.

How long will my migration take?

This depends on what we're moving for you. A standard migration can take between 1-2 weeks. Rest assured we would do our best to get you moved quickly.

Will I still be able to send emails during my migration?

We recommend you keep using your current platform to connect with your audience during the migration.

We would update you when you're able to stop using the current platform and start enjoying the Sendmunk goodness.

Can I pay to get the migration done faster?

We can arrange something for you. Let the migration expert know you want an accelerated migration.

Can you set up integrations for me?

Yes we can if your contact list if over 5000. Let us know which integrations you want.

Fill in this form to get your migration started - https://support722834.typeform.com/to/Qv36e3FO